GREEN DAY Is Selling DONALD TRUMP Mugshot 'Nimrod' T
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GREEN DAY Is Selling DONALD TRUMP Mugshot 'Nimrod' T

Jul 04, 2023

Veteran pop-punkers GREEN DAY, who haven't shied away from taking bold, loud swipes at presidents they don't agree with in the past on albums such as 2004's "American Idiot" and 2009's "21st Century Breakdown", are selling a new piece of merchandise featuring the first mugshot of a former American president.

A shirt, which GREEN DAY is calling "the ultimate Nimrod" shirt, features the booking photo Donald Trump, who was arrested on felony charges on Thursday (August 24) alleging that he participated in a conspiracy to overturn his 2020 election loss in Georgia.

The shirt will be available for 72 hours only, and proceeds will go to Greater Good Music, to bring food to those affected by the Maui wildfires.

You can get yours here while they last.

Trump's 2024 presidential campaign is also reportedly selling merchandise featuring his mugshot. The merchandise, which includes T-shirts, mugs, koozies and bumper stickers of the former president's booking photo, is accompanied by the words "NEVER SURRENDER!"

The Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee is also selling his mugshot, saying it would give out a T-shirt in exchange for a $47 donation.

"Please make a contribution of $47 to prove that YOU will also NEVER SURRENDER our mission — and we'll send you a FREE T-shirt with President Trump's OFFICIAL MUGSHOT PRINTED ON IT," the campaign's e-mail reads.

The members of GREEN DAY have made no secret of their disdain for Trump. Back in September 2019, while they were performing their hit "American Idiot" at the iHeartRadio festival in Las Vegas, frontman Billie Joe Armstrong changed the lyrics from "I'm not part of a redneck agenda" to "I'm not part of a MAGA agenda," directly referencing Trump's slogan of "Make America Great Again." The band also made its feelings about the Trump presidency clear when at the American Music Awards in 2016, just days after the real estate mogul won the election. During that performance, Armstrong chanted, "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!" during the song "Bang Bang".

A post shared by Green Day (@greenday)

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